Is there anything deep down inside of you that secretly loves bondage? Feet? Wetting? Spanking? Daddy/Daughter?
This will be a topic for the more open members. If there's a fetish that interests you, tell us about it. Maybe someone has tried it and can give helpful tips on the subject.
Also, if you have a fetish you'd like to share, tell us about it. What interested you in it? Why do you like it? Etc
Okay so I'm MOS DEF into s&m... OMG... Its just something that I just recently realized I was into.. I love being more submissive with my man. And him spanking me.. biting me.. ROUGH!! i love it! I very into role playing and I'm very open minded.... :) It's just that a man is strong, sexy, passionate.. And I like to be a "servant" to him.. ITS HOTT!!!! lol lol.. Don't get me wrong cuz I can be a little dominatrix too!!! lol.. but I love the man to have a chance to CLAIM this yoni.. (that's what I call my vagina) lol lol
ReplyDeleteI'm into role playing, I love being different characters and acting out different things. I also like being spanked during sex, its something about it that arouses me even more. I do wanna try some more things. I let you know when I do ;)
ReplyDeleteRopes and handcuffs? Lol. I've really gotten into bondage recently. Fisting as well. I like to have someone completely at my mercy- tangled up in so much pain/pleasure that they can only squeak or gasp bc their breath is gone from announcing their pleasure so often and loudly. No, I won't say I'm a dominatrix, but I like to be in control w/ my women. I also like the spanking and biting. I'm more tame than some, though. I don't want PAIN PAIN. Only a little pain-it has to be pleasurable pain